6 Activities to Teach Eco-Friendly Lifestyle to Kids


Educating children on the need for environmental sustainability is critical. Getting started, on the other hand, might be a genuine challenge. We must slowly introduce our children to the concept of sustainability. Even though it’s a broad notion, sustainability really comes down to knowing what we leave behind for future generations. Since your kids are the future, it’s highly important to teach them about the importance of having an eco-friendly lifestyle early on.

From recycling to gardening and being resourceful with the goods and materials we use, we know that sustainability encompasses a wide range of activities. By engaging our children in hands-on activities and encouraging them to live more green, we can teach our children these tough concepts! Read on to find out more!

1.    Watch movies

Watch a movie with your kids while you munch on your favorite snacks. Movies such as Wall-E and The Lorax are great conversation starters about sustainability and the importance of caring about the planet. It’s always vital to have hard-hitting discussions even with the youngest kids since that is one of the primary ways of learning. The takes your kids will have and their understanding of the tales will surely surprise you!

2.    Plant a garden

A fantastic eco-friendly summer pastime for youngsters is to plant a garden outdoors or on your balcony. The only way to grow while you’re confined inside or in the dead of winter is to let them set up an indoor herb garden, which is also fun! Herbs grow rapidly, which is ideal for children who are impatient. Small pots that may fit on a window ledge are ideal for letting your children learn about plants. All of your family’s favorite dishes will taste better with the addition of fresh herbs, which you can grow in only a few weeks with the aid of your children.

3.    Make your own toys

With some old milk cartons or used-up toilet rolls, you can make a bunch of interesting toys for your youngest! You can also make some amazing special needs toys with the same materials. If you have a special needs child, they’ll appreciate the toys they’ve made themselves even more. The plus side of doing crafts like these is that you’ll be using up the materials that would otherwise end up in a wasteland. You may get even more creative and create seasonal figurines such as an Easter bunny in the spring or Santa Claus during the Christmas season.

4.    Milk carton catch

Playing milk carton catch at home is a lot of fun since you can build all the components yourself. This is a terrific method to reuse, recycle, and decrease waste from your old milk cartons. Your milk carton may be transformed into a catcher’s glove by simply washing it, cutting away the bottom and one of its sides, and holding it from the handle. Then all you need is a ball to play catch with. Rolled-up socks make an excellent choice since they are both soft and light. Once the game is over, don’t forget to recycle the cartons!

5.    Spring cleaning

Spring is a perfect season to go through all of your possessions and figure out what you can donate, repair, or even reuse in a more creative way. Make a donation bag out of unwanted clothing and toys by sorting through them with your kids. You can even make it into a game. They’ll be happy to know that someone else will enjoy a toy they no longer find exciting. If you come across something that is broken, fix it immediately. Kids really enjoy tweaking things, as you’ll find out. Before you buy a new toy, see if you can fix the old one or use it for making something else. Tell your kids that if they don’t get rid of their belongings, they won’t have a place for new things in the future. Through this activity, you’ll teach your children about the significance of giving away and being kind to others while also making sure they know how detrimental it can be to accumulate things we don’t really need anymore.

6.    Start a compost

It’s a great time of year to start composting your food waste, which you can then use to enrich your garden soil in the summer. A lack of oxygen prevents our food waste from decomposing properly in landfills. Methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and pollutes our groundwater, is released when it decomposes. This is how we can save the planet while composting! To get started, give your kids a handful of soil, dried leaves, and food scraps. Fill the jars to the brim with alternating layers. In order to keep the mixture moist but not soggy, spray the mixture with water. Make holes in the lids to allow air to enter the jars. Place the jar on a sunny windowsill. You may decorate the jar with stickers! Spray the topsoil with water when you notice it’s dry. You should have lovely, nutrient-rich compost in eight to twelve weeks!

We hope we’ve given you some ideas for eco-friendly activities you can do with your kids. You’ll probably be surprised how satisfied they can be when introduced to new topics and ideas!