7 Things To Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Treatments


Laser hair removal treatment works for all patients with light-colored skin and dark-colored skin. Although laser hair removal treatment involves a simple process, it’s is also a significant procedure that involves aiming a strong ray of light at your follicle. It is a non-surgical treatment that is done to reduce the amount of hair that you have. More people are seeking laser hair removal treatment as the best way to permanently eliminate unwanted hair. Laser treatment also helps you to treat issues like razor burn and ingrown hair.

Things You Should Do Before the Treatment

Unwanted body hair is a very common cause of concern for both men and women. These unwanted hairs affect your beauty and also hampers the self-image altogether quashing your self-confidence. Laser hair removal treatment is a permanent solution for unwanted body hair. This treatment allows full body hair removal with utmost care. Laser hair removal treatment is the most advanced and effective dermatologic procedure to remove unwanted body hair. Given below are the tips to be followed to reduce side effects caused by your laser treatment.

1. Avoid sun exposure

There are numerous causes for unwanted hair growth on your body, while some may be genetic or some may be due to medical or other conditions. Laser treatment will be carried out only after a thorough evaluation by a dermatologist who determines the root cause and the course of treatment to be done to get rid of the unwanted hair. It is important to keep your skin away from sun exposure before the laser treatment.  It is sufficient to keep your skin away from the sun for two to three weeks before the treatment.

2. Medications

Medications that contain steroids cause rapid hair growth and also cause an imbalance in hormonal levels. Hence it is necessary to speak to laser professionals about the medications you are taking. And also make sure that to tell them about the medications that you would take after the treatment.

3. Shave the area

It is essential to shave the area 24-48 hours before the laser treatment. This treatment targets even the minute pigment located in the hair’s root even though it is invisible to the naked eye. Saving the area is recommended to reduce the risk of burns caused by the treatment. The net result of the hair removal treatment is a skin that is naturally smooth and hair-free with a permanent reduction in the amount of hair that comes back.

4. Don’t wax

Avoid waxing, since the roots of the hair may be present in the hair follicle for the laser to identify. During the treatment, the controlled beam of laser light is passed on to the areas with unnecessary hairs and it targets the darker pigments underneath the skin thus rendering the hair follicles ineffective.

5. Avoid exercise before hair removal treatment

Avoid doing things like exercise or taking hot showers which may increase your body temperature. An increase in body temperature can cause your body to sweat and it creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Hence it is highly recommended to wait for at least 24 hours after hair removal treatment to attempt the activities that may upset the hair follicle.

6. Skip using makeup or cream

The ingredients present in beauty products may affect the net result of the laser hair removal treatment and is even risky. Hence dermatologists recommend the removal of makeup or cream before your treatment.

7. Use the recommended products

If you got burnt in the treated area after the laser treatment, then avoid using creams or moisturizer to the area. Instead, get advice from the specialists.

Final Thoughts

Keeping the above tips in your mind, get rid of the unwanted hairs in your body by doing the laser hair removal treatment by an experienced dermatologist. You will be sure to get the best out of this treatment ant the results of laser hair removal treatment will last a lifetime.