The Kashmir Files is an Indian Hindi-language film directed by Vivek Agnihotri has been released on March 11, 2022. After so many struggles and court injunctions, the drama has scored great attention among the audience. This is completely an action film that includes several actors such as Anupam Kher, Mithun Chakraborty, Pallavi Joshi, Darshan Kumar, Agnihotri’s Wife have played a major role. Though the film has some opposes, the delay has also been made because of Omicron Spread. In actuality, the date is fixed for January 26, 2022, but anyhow now it has been successfully celebrated by the audience around everywhere.
Genre – Action
Release date – 11 March 2022
Language – Hindi
Production – Abhishek Agarwal Arts
Direction Of Film – Vivek Agnihotra
Cast – Mithun Chakraborty, Anupam Kher
Reviews Of The Kashmir Files
In recent times, there is heavy competition between south Indian cinema industries. As of now, other big stars films have also been released and running successfully such as “KGF2”, “RRR”, “Radhe Shyam”, and more. Meanwhile, “The Kashmir Files” sounds more than others as it gained huge popularity among the people with the blockbuster hit. Everyone is surprised with the script, direction, and action of this drama whereas made the fans wonder to watch without getting bored till the end.
The Kashmir Files “Cast”
Based on the people reviews, the entire story tells about the Kashmir Pandit community who were harmed by the Kashmir genocide. The film covers democracy, human nature, religion, and politics speak sounds about the trauma, grief, and problems experienced by pundits. Each and every role is really admiring and they acted naturally as per the character as given.
Roles Of Stars In “The Kashmir Files”
Actor Name | Role They Played |
Mithun Chakraborty | Hahma Dutt IAS |
Amaan Iqual | Karan pandit |
Hasha Sumbli | Sharda Pandit |
Sourav Verma | Afzal |
Mrinal Kulkarni | Laxmi Dutt |
Prakash Belawadi as | Dr. Mahesh Kumar |
Anupam Kher | Pushkar Nath pandit |
Atul Srivastava | Vishnu Ram |
OTT Release Date 2022
The Kashmir files rank higher, which exactly portrays the cruelty of Kashmir Muslims against pundits. The film comes live on March 11, 2022, and is expected to reach the Zee5 soon. The entire film deals with horrible truth whereas it creates lots of opposes from politicians and the government side. As of now, Zee5 has not yet announced the kashmir files release date, and also the audience is eagerly waiting to watch it. It also controls the OTT rights and plans to set out the premiere on Zee5 at first.
The film stands with a rating of 9.9/10 on IMD as it may be set to reach more based on the audience response and support. This is only because of the kashmir file real story, direction, story, and the way of performance acted by the actors. The reach of this file is really unexpected as everyone is wishing the whole team for this great work.
Final Words,
People with real humanity and responsibility towards this society will love this concept and give their support. It truly says how the people are suffering because of other community vigilance; also what are the actual solutions to completely avoid these activities.