Must-have Travel Gadgets to take on the Road


Whether you’ve made plans to spend your next vacation lounging somewhere on the beach or you’re off to see the world’s metropolises, the following must-have gadgets will definitely help you get the most out of your next adventure.

Getting prepared for a vacation can be stressful as you’re always worried you might forget something, but once you get on the road, you want it to run smoothly. Different travellers favour different gadgets, and there are so many to choose from, but the ones short-listed here are a few essentials that have proved to be very useful.

Personal water filter

One of the priorities while travelling is staying healthy and that certainly involves hydration. Going from one place to another can be exhausting and in some places, you simply can’t be sure that the local water is clean. To make sure you stay well-hydrated and safe, a personal water filter turns contaminated water into safe drinking by eliminating waterborne parasites and bacteria. This means that you can drink it directly from the water source and fill up any additional bottles you carry.

Smart luggage and wallet

Another safety precaution is making sure your possessions are safe during your trip. This is where smart luggage and wallets are a great help. Their design has evolved over the past decade and now, you can check on your smartphone where your bags are, their weight and whether they’ve been open or not. Moreover, many smart suitcases have a built-in charging device so you don’t have to fear a flat battery.

You can also put simple tracking devices into your luggage, making it easier for you to locate your bags if they get misplaced. In addition to this, you also need to ensure your money stays safe, so you could consider sleek minimalist wallets that can hold up to 12 cards and have the money clip for your cash. Its compact design makes it inconspicuous in your pockets and the wireless theft protection thanks to RFID blocking ensures your data doesn’t get stolen.

Universal plug adapter

One of the most persisting issues regular travellers faced on their trips in the past is finding the right adapter, particularly for international trips. Outlets vary greatly, from those that are recessed and require an extender to the ones with an odd shape that can’t be found in travel guidebooks.

Now, that trouble is finally over with modern all-in-one adapters that solve most of these problems with a built-in extender on the European adapter plugs. Also, most have sufficient options so that you will be able to cover all situations, plus they tend to be of much better quality.

Mobile hotspot

Depending on the type of cell phone plan you use, having a mobile hotspot can be a major money saver on international plans and data charges. The greatest advantage of these devices is that they emit a secure, dependable Wi-Fi signal in any country, so you don’t have to rely on unstable, poor-quality public Wi-Fi signals or use your own expensive data.

Weatherproof Phone Case

One of the things most keen travellers praise is a weatherproof phone case. It’s not uncommon to get caught in bad weather on your travels, so a case like this will save the day by ensuring your phone stays dry and functional. You can certainly try using a Ziploc bag, but you’ll soon discover that as much as it can protect the phone itself, it’s quite hard to actually use the phone through a wet plastic bag.

Kindle Paperwhite

Another practical travellers’ gadget is a Kindle Paperwhite. One sure way to survive a long flight is to get lost in a captivating book. A Kindle is also a great space-saver since you can pack it with several of your favourite travel books instead of having to bring a stack of books with you.


Noise-cancelling headphones

Noise-cancelling headphones are probably among the best travel investment you’ll make. Most frequent travellers testify to that after they’ve logged tens of thousands of air miles each year either for work or pleasure. The benefit they offer is that you can shut out the general noise of the plane and relax more easily, sleep in flight without being woken up by crying babies or chatting passengers, and easily signal to others that you’re not up for socializing.

These cool travel gadgets have forever changed the way we experience travelling and have certainly become true life-savers for modern-day travellers. They help solve some of the most annoying travel issues, keep our things safe and organized on the go, and help us get the best out of our travel adventures.